Monday, November 28, 2011

Nativity Exhibit & Music Festival

Friday, Dec. 2nd and Saturady Dec. 3rd from 1pm to 9pm

Sunday evening, Dec. 4th 5:30-6:30pm Nativity exhibit only
First Presidency Christmas Devotional at 7pm

more details:

Invite your family, friends and neighbors.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

HAAM Season of Sharing

As a covenant church with Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM), the  Kingwood, Humble, and Atascocita wards participate each year in a food drive for Thanksgiving and Christmas meal baskets provided to over 600 screened families for each holiday.   Our commitment this year is to donate canned green beans and corn, beginning immediately and continuing through Sunday, Dec. 11.  Please donate as you are able, placing canned food in the gray bins in the foyers, marked “Season of Sharing.” 
Food collected by Nov. 13 will be taken to HAAM for the Thanksgiving baskets. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ward Christmas Party

The Ward Christmas Party will be held on Saturday morning, December 10, from 8-9:30 a.m.  It will be a breakfast with Santa activity, however we want to invite EVERYONE to attend.  There will be activities to entertain the children, as well as some door prize drawings for everyone.  The ward will provide cereal, milk, juice, fruit, pancakes and syrup, and we are asking everyone else who attends to bring their favorite breakfast food to share (i.e. egg casserole, bacon, sausage, muffins/bread).

In addition, we are asking those who are able to bring an unwrapped NEW toy or a gift card for a child/teenager to be donated to the HAAM Annual Season of Sharing Gift Drive

Stake Day of Service

Our Stake Service Project Day is this Saturday, Nov. 5th .  The plan is to meet at the church at 8:30 am for donuts, etc. and then to go out on a number of service projects.
 Our ward Relief Society has been assigned to go to a nursing home and provide service. Arrangements have been made to go to the Cypress Wood Assisted Living home on Chestnut Ridge. We are going to play games with the residents from 10-11 am that Saturday, Nov 5th.  We will be carpooling from the church around 9:30 am. There is limited parking spaces at the retirement home so it would be best to carpool. If you have a favorite game that you can bring and play with them, please bring it. We are not sure how many will attend the game hour, but we can have fun with those who come. The director truly appreciates those who will be coming because she said that they do not have an activity for them this Saturday. Thank you for you donating some of your time to make others feel wanted and happy!!

Cookbook Ordering Deadline

The deadline for ordering the cookbooks is Tuesday, November 8th.  The price per cookbook is $5.65.

To pay, please use tithing donation slips.  Make checks payable to KW3rd Ward and put under the "Other" category.

Thanks to all those who submitted recipes!  And to those who are ordering cookbooks!