Monday, November 28, 2011

Nativity Exhibit & Music Festival

Friday, Dec. 2nd and Saturady Dec. 3rd from 1pm to 9pm

Sunday evening, Dec. 4th 5:30-6:30pm Nativity exhibit only
First Presidency Christmas Devotional at 7pm

more details:

Invite your family, friends and neighbors.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

HAAM Season of Sharing

As a covenant church with Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM), the  Kingwood, Humble, and Atascocita wards participate each year in a food drive for Thanksgiving and Christmas meal baskets provided to over 600 screened families for each holiday.   Our commitment this year is to donate canned green beans and corn, beginning immediately and continuing through Sunday, Dec. 11.  Please donate as you are able, placing canned food in the gray bins in the foyers, marked “Season of Sharing.” 
Food collected by Nov. 13 will be taken to HAAM for the Thanksgiving baskets. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ward Christmas Party

The Ward Christmas Party will be held on Saturday morning, December 10, from 8-9:30 a.m.  It will be a breakfast with Santa activity, however we want to invite EVERYONE to attend.  There will be activities to entertain the children, as well as some door prize drawings for everyone.  The ward will provide cereal, milk, juice, fruit, pancakes and syrup, and we are asking everyone else who attends to bring their favorite breakfast food to share (i.e. egg casserole, bacon, sausage, muffins/bread).

In addition, we are asking those who are able to bring an unwrapped NEW toy or a gift card for a child/teenager to be donated to the HAAM Annual Season of Sharing Gift Drive

Stake Day of Service

Our Stake Service Project Day is this Saturday, Nov. 5th .  The plan is to meet at the church at 8:30 am for donuts, etc. and then to go out on a number of service projects.
 Our ward Relief Society has been assigned to go to a nursing home and provide service. Arrangements have been made to go to the Cypress Wood Assisted Living home on Chestnut Ridge. We are going to play games with the residents from 10-11 am that Saturday, Nov 5th.  We will be carpooling from the church around 9:30 am. There is limited parking spaces at the retirement home so it would be best to carpool. If you have a favorite game that you can bring and play with them, please bring it. We are not sure how many will attend the game hour, but we can have fun with those who come. The director truly appreciates those who will be coming because she said that they do not have an activity for them this Saturday. Thank you for you donating some of your time to make others feel wanted and happy!!

Cookbook Ordering Deadline

The deadline for ordering the cookbooks is Tuesday, November 8th.  The price per cookbook is $5.65.

To pay, please use tithing donation slips.  Make checks payable to KW3rd Ward and put under the "Other" category.

Thanks to all those who submitted recipes!  And to those who are ordering cookbooks!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mormon Messages: Moments That Matter Most

Mormon Messages: I Am A Child of God

Day of Fasting & Prayer for Drought Relief

Sunday, October 9th is the day we are inviting the community to join us in fasting and prayer for drought relief.  Invite your friends and neighbors to join us in prayer and fasting.

Daughters in My Kingdom

We have been passing out copies of Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of the Relief Society the last few Sundays.  If you haven't received your copy yet or would like to take one to a sister you visit, please make sure and get one.

There is a section on the church's website for this wonderful book, found here.
We hope you will take the time to read and study this wonderful resource.

“This organization is divinely made, divinely authorized, divinely instituted, divinely ordained of God.”
—Joseph F. Smith, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 7

 “We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.”
—Elaine L. Jack, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 119
“There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman.”
—M. Russell Ballard, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 156

Ward Cookbook Deadline Oct. 15th

Don't miss out on submitting your favorite recipes!

We are gathering recipes for another ward cookbook. Start pulling out your favorite recipes and submit them online.
Here's how:
Go to
Click "Online Entry"
Enter username: kw3reliefsociety
         password: kw3reliefsociety
Fill in the boxes for title, etc and type in your delicious recipe.
When you are finished, don't forget to click on "Save" at the bottom.

The deadline is October 15th.

We look forward to drooling over all the yummy recipes you submit.  Thanks!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CREATE group: BOO Wreath

October CREATE group project
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 4th 7pm at the church
Cost: $16
Please give money to Julie Hendrix by Sept. 18th

Friendzy Friday Crafts

**Updated Sunday, September 11th**

Friendzy Friday: Friday, November 4th from 6-10 pm at the church. Choose the crafts you’d like to make and come join us for a night of fun, friendship and food! Order forms and money due by Sept. 18th. Please give order forms and money to either Julie Hendrix or Julianna Tolman. And don’t forget to bring a TREAT to share! 
TP Pumpkins
Cost: small orange $2 ;small green scroll $2.50; small green plaid $3; large burlap $3
Choose from the fabrics shown or bring your own! Some fabric quantities may be limited, so sign up now! (toilet paper supplied)

Fall Yard Stake (48” tall)
Cost: $15
Celebrate Fall with this festive yard stake. Stick it in your yard or a flower pot with Autumn flowers. Display however you like to welcome the Fall season!

Merry & Bright Block
Cost: $3.50
Choose red or green paint.  The block is 6"x 6" of Christmas merriness.

Holiday Towels
Cost: $7
Add some holiday flair to a quality white towel. Choose from either Fall or Christmas accents (fabric, ricrac, ribbon, etc) to customize your towel(s). Bring your sewing machine if possible.

Menu/Notes Plate
Cost: $7
Slap on some vinyl and turn an ordinary plate into a message area displaying what’s for dinner or reminders. A velcroed dry-erase marker on back makes for easy access!
Choose your title, Menu or Notes, as well as bottom scroll design.

Tiered Plate Stand
Cost: $8.50 (includes epoxy and 2 clear glass candleholders) *BRING YOUR OWN PLATES!
Make your own tiered serving platter to suit your unique style. Just bring 2 plates ( 1 small, 1 large) and we’ll provide the rest. It could be festive holiday plates, white plates for a classic look, coordinating plates for an eclectic look or something in between! Places like Home Goods, World Market, Ross, etc. are great places to look.

Crochet Snowflakes
Cost: $4
Learn some basic stitches of crocheting, then choose from 3 patterns to start making some beautiful snowflakes. Cost includes thread and #5 crochet hook.

Standing For Something FHE kit
Cost: $10
Family Home Evening lessons on the 10 neglected virtues that will heal our hearts and homes. Based on the book “Standing for Something” by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley.

Gospel ABC flip book
Cost: $4.50
Keep the kiddos quiet!
ABC book using gospel words, photos and artwork plus room to customize with photos of your own family, etc. The fastest project you’ll make all night!

Etched Glass
Cost: large glass jar with lid  $14; Trifle bowl $10.50; Glass cylinder $3.50; *last name on OWN pyrex dish $1.25; last name plus design on other side $2.50
*Disclaimer- etching cream may NOT work on some pyrex dishes!
Choose your design and glassware to make a custom container using etching cream.
Design choices: See Below

 Last name fonts and other side design choices for baking dishes:

Trifle dish designs:
Cylinder designs:

Large jar designs:

 Order Form (double click to enlarge):

Monday, September 5, 2011

Emergency Preparedness

Dear Sisters,
As you know, we are in the hurricane season, and I am sure that you have been talking with your families regarding getting prepared. A couple of months ago I ran across an article in the Chronicle about this subject. I thought this article gave some great advice that would be easy to do and would save a lot of headaches in the event of a hurricane or other disaster.

The article explained that it is important to take pictures of the inside, and outside of your home --either by camera or video. In the event of destruction of your property, This is important documentation to be used for insurance purposes. Using the pictures, you have a good source of proof for your claims.

It is also important to take the pictures, either in a flash drive, or the actual cd or photos with you if you are evacuating. Or, you can put them in a safety deposit box away from your home. Or you can mail it to some trusted relative and ask them to keep it at their home. Then, if your home is destroyed, you won't loose the photos.

The entire article can be found here.

Hope all continues to be well for the families in your wards.
Love, Irene Thomas

Poinsettia Orders 2011

Each year the Kingwood stake offers a gift to the community, demonstrating our belief in Christ and inviting friends to view a magnificent display of Nativity sets from around the world in an ambient setting of Christmas music, twinkling lights, fresh trees, and live colorful poinsettias. The plants are purchased by ward members and used as a protective buffer between guests and the displays. When the exhibit is over, plants are taken home for personal use or given as gifts. Please consider your gift opportunities when making a decision about the number of plants to buy at this discounted price ($7.50 per plant). The red poinsettias are about 18" tall in a 6 1/2 inch pot.

To purchase poinsettias, please sign up on the list on Sunday and pay the $7.50 per plant using a tithing/donation slip. Write "Poinsettia Purchase" in the "Other" category and give the donation to a member of the bishopric. Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ward Cookbook

We are gathering recipes for another ward cookbook. Start pulling out your favorite recipes and submit them online.
Here's how:
Go to
Click "Online Entry"
Enter username: kw3reliefsociety
         password: kw3reliefsociety
Fill in the boxes for title, etc and type in your delicious recipe.
When you are finished, don't forget to click on "Save" at the bottom.

The deadline is October 15th.

We look forward to drooling over all the yummy recipes you submit.  Thanks!

Stake RS Service Project: Backpack Buddy Club

This year in conjunction with the Relief Society broadcast, September 24, 2011, we will be doing a service project.  We will be collecting food for the Houston Food Bank’s program, Backpack Buddy Club which provides chronically hungry children who rely on free or reduced price lunches with child-friendly, nonperishable, easily consumed food for the weekends.
We propose to begin collecting food starting immediately.  Sisters can also make money donations if they desire. On Sunday, June 26, bins will be placed in all of our buildings. For any who wish to make money donations these can be given to members of your bishopric in a tithing slip by writing 'backpack buddies' on the "Other" line. On the night of the event, we invite all sisters to take part in packaging the food for donation to the Food Bank.
Please note that this is strictly voluntary.  We recognize that there are those who are not in a position to contribute. We reiterate King Benjamin's counsel that everyone impart that which they can, whether that be time, canned foods, or money. The sacrifice involved in any of these gifts will be sanctified to that individual.
Here is the breakdown of the foods most needed:
Proteins: Meat stews, canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.), peanut butter, canned beans
Fruits & Vegetables: Fruit cups packed in 100% juice, 100% fruit juice, canned vegetables
Grains: Boxed grains (including cereals), macaroni and cheese, canned pasta meals (i.e. Chef Boyardee)
Healthy Snacks: Cereal bars, granola bars, low fat crackers, low fat/sugar cookies
Dairy: Shelf-stable milk
Again we want to reiterate that people should not feel obligated and should only impart according to their circumstances. Every item donated makes a difference in a child's life. In our service we are following President Monson's counsel:
"We are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness…We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us."
Thank you for all you do,
Kingwood Stake Relief Society Presidency

Stake RS Survey: Who Are We

Dear Sisters,
As part of the dinner broadcast on Sept 24th, we would like to do a recognition of who we are as sisters of the KW Stake. We invite all Relief Society sisters in the Kingwood, TX Stake to participate in this quick 2 minute survey. We'd like to get to know some fun things about each other and will present the results at the Stake Relief Society Dinner Broadcast on Sept 24, 2011.  Click on the following link to access the survey.  

Thanks for your participation!
The Kingwood Stake Relief Society