Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ward Cookbook

We are gathering recipes for another ward cookbook. Start pulling out your favorite recipes and submit them online.
Here's how:
Go to
Click "Online Entry"
Enter username: kw3reliefsociety
         password: kw3reliefsociety
Fill in the boxes for title, etc and type in your delicious recipe.
When you are finished, don't forget to click on "Save" at the bottom.

The deadline is October 15th.

We look forward to drooling over all the yummy recipes you submit.  Thanks!

Stake RS Service Project: Backpack Buddy Club

This year in conjunction with the Relief Society broadcast, September 24, 2011, we will be doing a service project.  We will be collecting food for the Houston Food Bank’s program, Backpack Buddy Club which provides chronically hungry children who rely on free or reduced price lunches with child-friendly, nonperishable, easily consumed food for the weekends.
We propose to begin collecting food starting immediately.  Sisters can also make money donations if they desire. On Sunday, June 26, bins will be placed in all of our buildings. For any who wish to make money donations these can be given to members of your bishopric in a tithing slip by writing 'backpack buddies' on the "Other" line. On the night of the event, we invite all sisters to take part in packaging the food for donation to the Food Bank.
Please note that this is strictly voluntary.  We recognize that there are those who are not in a position to contribute. We reiterate King Benjamin's counsel that everyone impart that which they can, whether that be time, canned foods, or money. The sacrifice involved in any of these gifts will be sanctified to that individual.
Here is the breakdown of the foods most needed:
Proteins: Meat stews, canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.), peanut butter, canned beans
Fruits & Vegetables: Fruit cups packed in 100% juice, 100% fruit juice, canned vegetables
Grains: Boxed grains (including cereals), macaroni and cheese, canned pasta meals (i.e. Chef Boyardee)
Healthy Snacks: Cereal bars, granola bars, low fat crackers, low fat/sugar cookies
Dairy: Shelf-stable milk
Again we want to reiterate that people should not feel obligated and should only impart according to their circumstances. Every item donated makes a difference in a child's life. In our service we are following President Monson's counsel:
"We are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness…We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us."
Thank you for all you do,
Kingwood Stake Relief Society Presidency

Stake RS Survey: Who Are We

Dear Sisters,
As part of the dinner broadcast on Sept 24th, we would like to do a recognition of who we are as sisters of the KW Stake. We invite all Relief Society sisters in the Kingwood, TX Stake to participate in this quick 2 minute survey. We'd like to get to know some fun things about each other and will present the results at the Stake Relief Society Dinner Broadcast on Sept 24, 2011.  Click on the following link to access the survey.  

Thanks for your participation!
The Kingwood Stake Relief Society